Thoughts blown from a life of faith.

This blog is an attempt to encapsulate in words God's amazing-ness! And what He has been doing in my life as an overflow of His great love for us. Hopefully, you'll let Him do the same for you. =)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Deep, deep down in my heart

Deep deep down in my heart

Deep, deep, down down
Deep down in my heart
Deep, deep, down down
Deep down in my heart
Do you love Jesus,
Deep down in your heart?
Yes, I love Jesus,
Deep down in my heart.

Do we love our Brothers,
Deep down in our hearts?
We must love our Brothers,
Deep down in our hearts.
Do we love our Sisters,
Deep down in our hearts?
We must love our Sisters,
Deep down in our hearts

"Unresolved conflict in a church family is like cancer that grows and festers. I've heard stories of people who had no idea they had cancer until it was in later stages. Then it takes some extreme measures to rid their bodies of the cancer.

Same with unresolved conflict in a church (or in a family), it spreads and does damage and from the outside the "body" might look healthy, but inside there's a foreign substance eating away at the body."

Emotional Purity - an affair of the heart: 11/17/11 - Unresolved Conflict

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